Friday, February 26, 2010

Why we should use java ?

Hey guys,
If you are a new comer in the world of technology, then you should consider to move towards Java due to a lot of reasons:

1) Java is simple ( No pointer, no union like c and c++).

2) Java is single rooted object oriented language, It means it supports only single inheritance.

3) It supports multi threading.

4) It supports distributed programming using RMI.

5) Java is a portable language, write once and execute on any device that supports JVM.

6) Java is more safer and robust than other languages, due to its execution environment. When we execute java source, it compiles into byte code, and run into JVM(a program that execute the byte code and convert it into the real machine language. We can say that JVM works like a interpreter. It means that your code can not directly interact with the hardware, So there is no way to interact directly with the hardware, that make your system robust and secure.

6) It's development environment like sdk, editor(Eclipse), servers (tomcat, JBoss etc) are free. If you wan't to learn java, there is a number of communities is available at internet to help you.